MARCH is a month of NEW BEGINNINGS • out with the old and in with the new, with intention and mindful focus • we are C R E A T I N G S P A C E in all aspects of our lives, our subtle bodies, our physical bodies, and our surroundings, so that we have space to call in all things NEW • before we can connect to new opportunities, blessings, people, places, experiences, and more, we need to CLEANSE
when our lives/our space/our environments are full, there is no space for manifesting new things/ experiences because there is simply no room • whether it’s our physical surroundings that are filled with clutter, our minds packed with old patterning, our bodies lacking chi from consuming low vibrational processed foods, or any aspect of our lives where energy is stagnant, we do not have access to the space we need to magnetize a new reality
many religions and cultures have similar cleansing practices during the spring - Hindus declutter their space and fast during Ram Navami, Christians cleanse before Easter when observing Lent, Jews meticulously clean for Pessach - almost every group of people has their version of spring cleaning • for Persians, we clean every inch of the house before the SPRING EQUINOX (or NOROOZ - the IRANIAN NEW YEAR) • and it’s almost upon us • so, now is the perfect time to start your spring cleaning • MAKE SPACE NOW before eclipse season begins
start today • March 1st • new month, clear the slate • it’s time to clean, clean, clean • every day set a timer for a length of time that does not stress you out but also pushes your comfort level just a little • and pick one area and clean it out • that junk drawer • under the bed • the one area of the home you like to pretend doesn’t exist • cleanse your environment, your body, your electronics (texts, emails, photos…), and even the people you no longer vibe with • the more space you create the more room you will have in your life to welcome the new
as you clean continue repeating Louise Hay’s cleaning affirmation: i’m now cleaning out the closets (drawers, areas, whatever...) of my mind • remember to thank whatever you are discarding, filling your heart with deep gratitude • then, burn a bit of sacred smoke, and set an intention to call in something new • repeat
and then on Friday, March 22nd join me for a free FIM (Future Imagined Memory) Workshop • we will gather together on Zoom, open sacred space, and I’ll lead you through a beautiful meditation helping you connect to a future version of yourself • you’ll access aspects of your imagination you might not consider possible right now, inviting infinite possibilities into your mind’s eye • together we’ll engage with creative Universal energy to support our dreams and simply intend for them to manifest • cleanse, first • next, plant new seedlings of possibility • and then, allow life to unfold in magical ways • see you soon!