here to help

you thrive

About Neelou Malekpour & SMUDGED

Hello, I’m Neelou Malekpour, the founder of SMUDGED. This journey began as a tribute to my grandmother, my best friend and my greatest teacher, who passed away many years ago. She taught me the art of sacred smoke (or smudging) with Wild Rue to dispel the “evil eye” and instilled in me the importance of being responsible for my own energy and the vibration I bring into the world.

When I was a kid, we shared countless rituals that left a lasting imprint on my life. As I grew older, anytime I found myself in a funk or felt the energy of a space needed a shift, I’d burn Wild Rue, and it always transformed the atmosphere instantaneously. Through years of travel and immersing myself in diverse cultures, I’ve expanded my knowledge of rituals and plant allies, adding new layers to my practices. Yet, I always return to Wild Rue and the rituals my maman taught me as the cornerstone of my practices.

The Heart of SMUDGED

At its core, SMUDGED is about helping people connect with their energy and the world around them in a meaningful way. Energy is real, and our mission is to help you attain and maintain a high vibrational frequency. All our ingredients and products are sourced mindfully, honoring the sacredness of the abundance that Mama Earth provides.

Our intention is to empower individuals to take responsibility for their own energy, cultivating positivity that ripples outward to raise the collective vibration. This is the foundation of everything we do. We are deeply committed to mindful and ethical business practices: 11% of all proceeds are donated to charity, and every product is handmade with care in Austin, Texas.

About Neelou

In addition to creating SMUDGED, I’m the author of The Art of Sacred Smoke, a book dedicated to ritual and sacred practices. Our products, and teachings have been featured in hundreds of retailers across the US and internationally, including Nordstrom, Whole Foods, and Free People. I’ve been honored to collaborate with brands like UNICEF, YogaWorks, 1 Hotels, Spiritual Gangster, Soho House, Alo Yoga, Herbivore Botanicals, and more.

I hold certifications in breathwork, Hatha yoga, and Kundalini yoga, with over seven years of experience leading breathwork, sacred smoke, and mindfulness workshops for individuals, groups, and corporations. My work has taken me across the US, Canada, and Western Europe, and our online groups contain members from all over the globe.

My writing and expertise have been featured in publications such as New York Metro, Los Angeles Daily News, US Weekly, and Harper’s Bazaar. For a full list of press features, click here. I live in Austin, Texas, with my rescue pup, Palo Santo, and my partner, Katya.

Looking forward to connecting with you, whether online or in person.

xx, Neelou

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