Holiday Checklist For Overwhelm

Happy Holidays! This time of year can feel amazing and also really challenging at the same time. Striving to be in a perpetual state of happiness, or even gratitude can feel defeating so achieving neutrality is the next best thing. Neutrality is a pause from an activated nervous system. Neutrality brings space. It will give you a reprieve to make intentional choices instead of simply being reactive and feeling even worse later.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, ungrounded, or a little off in any way - if family, work, or the state of the world is activating - here’s a checklist you can go through one by one until you are back to neutral:

  1. Relax your shoulders, increase your exhales making them double the length of your inhales until you feel centered (if you are around a lot of people find a bathroom!)

  2. Drop roots into the Earth • ask Pachamama to nurture you • ask her to take your worry/stress/anxiety/whatever…

  3. Ask your Angels, Allies, and Ancestors of 100% light for help - simply talk to them and trust they will support you

  4. Chant a mantra • any that feels good for you will work • if you don’t know one try the Ganesha Mantra - Lord Ganesha is the Hindu God who removes blockages • OM GUM GANAPATAYEI NAMAHA

  5. Have a five-minute dance party • make sure to shake, shake SHAKE the cortisol out • you’re not trying to impress people with your moves, you are releasing stuck energy

  6. Put your blinders on • literally or figuratively • you can put a hoodie on to cover your head and you can also imagine blurring out your surroundings, thereby really narrowing your focus • reducing outside stimulation and covering your Crown Chakra will immediately calm your nervous system • also, sitting in a dark, quiet closet for a few minutes can be soothing

  7. DRINK MORE WATER • hydration will help • i don’t fully understand the energetics or science behind it but try it for yourself • being properly hydrated will make you feel better (also, lessen alcohol intake - it is a depressant and dysregulates the nervous system - and eat more whole foods, fruits and vegetables to balance out increased sugar intake from holiday treats)

  8. Get enough rest • our patience and tolerance for everything greatly diminishes when we are tired

  9. Contact a friend or have a support chat group (we have House 11) for moments when you feel like you are spiraling and need a quick perspective shift

  10. Carry crystals in your bra/pockets • first cleanse them and then program them with a specific intention describing how they should assist you

  11. Remember that being activated, triggered overwhelmed, annoyed, whatever is an AGREEMENT we are consciously or unconsciously making - if you don’t like it, VOID the agreement, and then consciously make a new one • take your f*king power back!

Sending every single one of you so SO much love and peace right now.

xx, Neelou + Palo

Neelou Malekpour