here to help

you thrive

Hello. I'm Neelou Malekpour. S M U D G E D started as a tribute to my grandmother, who was my best friend and passed away many years ago. She taught me all about smudging with Wild Rue to dispel the “evil eye” and how to be responsible for my energy, and the vibration I put out into the world. When I was a kid we did many rituals together and as I grew older, any time I was in a funk, or needed the energy in the room to feel different, I would burn Wild Rue – it changed the mood in the room instantaneously! Through travel, and immersing myself in various cultures, the rituals I practiced and the list of herbs I burned grew as I learned more about plant allies. (But Wild Rue is still the main ingredient in all of our ritual kits!)

Energy is real. So, S M U D G E D is all about attaining and maintaining a high vibrational frequency. All of our ingredients and products are sourced mindfully and we do our very best to respect the abundance Mama Earth provides. Since White Sage has become so popular, we are careful not to add to its over-harvesting. The Sage we use is certified organic, and sustainable. The other herbs, flowers, and plants we include in our products are gathered with care and anything that can be, is culinary grade.

Our intention is to unite people energetically and raise the collective vibration by first, being responsible for our own energy and what kind of vibes we put out into the world. And then, by creating all kinds of goodies that transform one’s energetic frequency and get rid of bad juju. We are committed to mindful and ethical business practices, we donate 11% of all proceeds to charity, and everything we create is handmade in Miami Beach.

If you want to know more about me, here is my bio:

My first book, The Art of Sacred Smoke, along with our products is carried in hundreds of small and large retailers in both the US and abroad, including Nordstrom, Whole Foods, and Free People. I’ve had the great honor of working with brands such as UNICEF, YogaWorks, 1 Hotels, Spiritual Gangster, Soho House, Sydell Group, Teamraderie, Herbivore Botanicals, Real Dog Rescue, Alo Yoga, and more.

I have a number of certifications including breathwork, Hatha, and Kundalini yoga, and more than seven years of experience teaching breathwork, sacred smoke, and mindfulness workshops to individuals as well as corporations. I’ve contributed to publications such as New York Metro, the Los Angeles Daily News, US Weekly, and Harper’s Bazaar. I live in Austin, Texas with my rescue pup, Palo Santo, and my partner Katya.

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