Beware of Copycat Accounts & Scammers

so many spiritual accounts are being targeted on social media, Instagram to be specific, and is no exception. i’m writing this blog post because i’m becoming increasingly concerned with people being targeted using my name and likeness. in just the past week alone, i’ve been made aware of more than $1,000 being taken from unassuming followers.

i’ve reported this issue to Meta and the powers to be at Instagram. i’ve shared the information i have with Venmo, Paypal and Zelle. i’ve even contacted the FBI. unfortunately, these scammers keep making copycat accounts and they are increasingly getting more sophisticated. please heed this warning!

i will never contact you via DM and ask you for money for a palm reading, a tarot reading, or anything else. that is NOT my business model. i do not do palm readings. and you will never hear or read these words coming from me: i felt a strong connection and energy towards you and thought you want a reading love • this is how they start talking to people. every instance that has been brought to my attention has started with the sentence above. they prey on people who are trusting and kind. they pretend they are me, and that they have some connection to you and then they ask for donations. be vigilant!! never assume i am contacting you.

also, look for tiny little differences in my account name versus the scammers. they use _ or . or a combination to confuse people. so my account is and they will create or or some combination that makes it look really close to another thing is that the name on their Venmo, Paypal or Zelle will NOT be my name. it will be someone else’s name because these people are NOT me!

please report and block and do not engage with these people. if you ever want to know if it’s actually me, exit the conversation and go do and go to your dms in my actual account, i only have ONE! it’s really important to exercise discernment when getting solicited via DM. please be mindful and do NOT give anyone any money or your personal information. neither me, nor anyone who works with me will ever contact you in this way.

sending you love and protection.

Neelou Malekpour